Tammy Marshall is a dynamic and passionate Speaker and Emotions Coach who specializes in emotional eating.
At age 14 Tammy knew she was to help others “get out” but didn’t know exactly what that meant. But after overcoming her own addictions at age 25 and walking out the journey of emotional eating, co-dependency, etc. she began to work with others to “get out”. Today not only does she understand what it is to get out of a damaging lifestyle, belief system, and mindset but has created a method to teach others. She is the creator of The UnEmotional Eater Academy where she teaches others the tools and techniques to live a balanced, happy, healthy life. She is a certified EFT, AAIT, and Relapse Prevention Practitioner utilizing leading edge technology to resolve emotional suffering. She is committed to shining the truth of God’s love into every lie planted in a person’s life to steal their identity and their joy.
Contact Tammy
Website: www.TheUnEmotionalEater.com
Email: tammy@theunemotionaleater.com
Phone: 865-789-4939