

As a non-binary parent of a multi-racial family, Susan specializes in work with the LGBTQ+ community, parents raising racially diverse children, and with issues surrounding grief and spirituality. She seeks to guide students and clients in appreciating diversity in a way that understands and affirms all people. Susan welcomes clients of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, nationalities, genders, sexual orientations, and social groups struggling with everyday life challenges.

Susan is an MSSW with more than 23 years of experience working with adults, children and families in numerous capacities in social work. In addition to working full-time with the College of Social Work at the University of Tennessee, her AAIT private practice is focused on areas of personal and professional growth.

If you feel like you don’t quite fit in, can’t accept the mold that society has created for you, or want to uncover your true self and find a way to stand in your own truth, Susan is a skilled guide. Susan joins her clients in partnership on the self-acceptance journey to uncover their true self and purpose.

Contact Susan

Email: silentmountain.susan@gmail.com

Phone: 865-300-1584

Website: www.silentmountainhealingarts.com