At the end of each year, we embrace a spirit of reflection in addition to planning for the future. With that said, we thought you all would enjoy revisiting some of the most popular content on the blog from 2019.

Happy New Year! See you all in 2020!


AAIT & EMDR – What’s the Difference?

AAIT & EMDR – What’s the Difference?

Last Thursday I presented on treating trauma with AAIT at the Psychiatric Symposium in Knoxville, TN. In addition to demonstrating using the Fingertip Method along with aspect retrieval, I shared a few tips on how to help clients return to NOW. The participants asked...

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Try This Impactful Approach To A Paradigm Shift

Try This Impactful Approach To A Paradigm Shift

Lately, I’ve been studying a text I’ve read several times. I find it inspiring and challenging…my favorite combo. The decision to read it this time was more a decision to study it. I’ll spend a year or so with it.

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Rolling with client “resistance”

Rolling with client “resistance”

We are having an interesting conversation over in the Fellowship Training Group Graduates Club that I thought I’d share. There is a collective wisdom in the community and we can all learn.

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Case Study: Alleviating PTSD through AAIT

Case Study: Alleviating PTSD through AAIT

Marianne’s journey with complex PTSD landed her in my office after more than fifteen years of rambling her way through talk therapy. Committed to her own well-being, she took a risk to try something different, AAIT.

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Why Integrating Identities Matters

Why Integrating Identities Matters

Recently, the AAIT Fellowship Training Group explored the ins and outs of creating identities to achieve conscious goals. This is such an exciting and liberating way of moving towards goal achievement.

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Discovering the Injunctions Ruling Your Clients

Discovering the Injunctions Ruling Your Clients

INJUNCTIONS rule. They are insidious and often unconscious.

They are an inner command, a strong DON’T.

Understanding the influence of injunctions can help us support our clients in learning to recognize them and dismantle from them.

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Clarity, One Key to Real Change

Clarity, One Key to Real Change

As most folks have their attention on their goals at this time of year, this is a great time to revisit the overarching goals that bring clients into our offices.

As I scheduled a….

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