
I live in East Tennessee with my husband of more than 30 years. We have two daughters whom we cherish and we spend a surprising amount of free time addressing the needs (read demands) of our dog, Huxley and granddog, Addy.

I am a licensed clinical social worker who has maintained a psychotherapy practice since 1984. My practice is devoted to serving those who struggle with mood disorders and/or relationship problems. Much of my practice comprises psychotherapists and other healing arts professionals.

In 1987, I had the great good fortune to meet Dick Olney. As a young therapist, I knew I would thrive under the tutelage of a master. Dick was a master therapist . Upon receiving his invitation, i joined his training group in Berkeley, CA. I continued studying with Dick until he shed his body in 1994.

After Dick’s passing, I dove deeper into my study of non-dual philosophy. Dick introduced me to those ideas and as a committed meditator I found the philosophy comforting and clear. After a few years, I began looking for another mentor, another teacher. During those years, I trained with Marshall Rosenberg, the founder of non-violent communication, Gary Craig, the founder of the emotional freedom technique, and master coaches, Peter Reding and Marcia Collins.

During these years, I served as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Utah, University of Tennessee, and Maryville College. I also authored an award winning book, An Illumined Life.

In 2007, a friend suggested I go to a workshop with Zivorad Slavinski. Slavinski was in the US offering a PEAT workshop four hours away. I was not very interested until my friend said, “You must go. What he’s doing is like EFT on steroids.” I had experienced success with EFT so she had my attention.

By the end of our first morning, I cancelled the rest of my week so I could stay and learn whatever I could in the short week we had together. Since that time, I have made several trips to Europe to study with him as well as with his students, Judith Daniel, Vladimir Stojakovic, and Karen Gould. At this point Judith and I are the only two psychotherapists in the US authorized to train trainers in Slavinski’s work.

The techniques I’ve learned from Zivorad are truly the most advanced processes I’ve come across that offer reliable spiritual and psychological tools for real and lasting change, actual solutions. His integration methods, which he calls spiritual technology, are at the heart of Acceptance and Integration Training. Slavinski has found a way to make practical non-dual philosophy while addressing human problems, in other words he has developed a clinical application of non-dual philosophy. An amazing and truly awesome result is the ensuing liberation from the ego’s automatic response to familiar situations – freedom.



My husband, David Patterson, Ph.D. , and I are currently collaborating on a book about AAIT. If you would like to read what others say about working with me, click here to see the testimonials.